Are you unsure about becoming a HOMEOWNER?
Do you wonder about the TAX INCENTIVES?
Are you worried about whether homebuying is a good INVESTMENT?
Buying a first home can be an intimidating process. But the first step is deciding if: I want to own a home; I can afford to own a home; owning a home makes sense for me financially and emotionally. If you are still struggling with those decisions, here are some facts that might help you take that first step towards becoming a homeowner.
Rents Increase Over Time
Over the past ten years, the cost of rental housing in the U.S. has increased an average of 3.5% per year. If that trend continues, that means that an apartment or home renting for $1,000 per month will cost more than $1,300 a month in ten years. If you rent the same home for ten years, the total amount you would pay for rent will equal $140,777!
Owning Can Lead to Tax Savings
None of that $140,777 is returned to you, either through savings or as an investment. Homeownership, on the other hand, often has tax advantages over renting a home, and those advantages can help you save money. For many homeowners, part of the monthly mortgage payment “comes back to you” in tax savings.
So if you're considering a move, or hear that any family, friends, neighbors or colleagues are, please feel free to contact me
Orientación de Bienes Raíces. ¡Hola Paisanos! ¿Como están? Quiero darle contestación a una pregunta que me hacen los compradores constantemente. ¿Cuanto cobra por consulta o por representarme? Si usted es un comprador, la consulta o representación es GRATIS. Así que si usted quiere comprar una casa y no sabe como empezar, hábleme con mucho gusto lo atenderé y contestare sus preguntas sin que usted tenga ninguna obligación.